Scholarships for New, Continuing, and Returning Online Students


$1,000 Online Learning Scholarship for New MSU Denver Students

New MSU Denver Students who enroll in a fully online undergraduate degree or certificate program can receive a $1,000 renewable scholarship.

New Online Student Scholarships
Returning MSU Denver student learning about the $1000 renewable scholarship

$1,000 Online Learning Scholarship for Returning MSU Denver Students

Returning MSU Denver Students who enroll in a fully online undergraduate degree or certificate program can receive a $1,000 renewable scholarship.

Returning MSU Denver Student Scholarships

$500 Online Learning Scholarship for Continuing Online MSU Denver Students

Continuing MSU Denver Students enrolled in a fully online undergraduate program can receive a $500 renewable scholarship each spring and fall.

Current & Continuing Online Student Scholarships

$1,000 Online Learning Scholarship for New MSU Denver Students

New MSU Denver Students who enroll in a fully online undergraduate degree or certificate program their first semester can receive a $1,000 renewable scholarship. There is no application for this scholarship. You will automatically receive $1,000 your first semester if you are eligible and will be automatically awarded $500 every semester* until you graduate as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

Summer Course Eligibility

If you start in the summer term, you will receive your first award in fall. If you take spring, summer, and fall courses in any year, you will still receive two awards; one for fall and one for spring.

*Awards are subject to available funding.

**The FAFSA/CAFSA is not required for certificate students since they are not eligible for financial aid.

Do the following eligibility requirements apply to you?

  • This is my first semester as an MSU Denver student and I am enrolled in an online degree or certificate program. Make sure you are enrolled in an online program and not just taking classes online. Speak to an Online Enrollment Specialist if you are not sure.
  • I can register for at least 6 online credits and maintain part-time or full-time status.
  • I am in good academic standing and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • I have an active FAFSA or CAFSA on file** and identified MSU Denver as my school using school code 001360.

How Does the New Online Student Scholarship Renew?

Your scholarship will renew automatically, and you will receive $500 every fall and spring until graduation* when you:

  • Remain enrolled in an online program.
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Learn more about your SAP Status.
  • Register for a minimum of 6 online credits toward completion of your online degree.
  • Complete the requirements for the Online Student Success Seminar.
  • Have an active FAFSA or CAFSA on file**.

$500 Online Learning Scholarship for Continuing MSU Denver Students

Continuing MSU Denver Students who enroll in a fully online undergraduate degree or certificate program can receive a $500 renewable scholarship*. Secure your scholarship by declaring an online program before the first day of classes!
Switching to an online major can impact your degree plan. Check with your academic advisor to decide if online learning works for your degree and life plans.

Summer Course Eligibility

If you start in the summer term, you will receive your first award in fall. If you take spring, summer, and fall courses in any year, you will still receive two awards; one for fall and one for spring.

*Awards are subject to available funding.

**The FAFSA/CAFSA is not required for certificate students since they are not eligible for financial aid.

Do the following eligibility requirements apply to you?

  • I am or will enroll in an online degree or certificate program. Make sure you are enrolled in an online program and not just taking classes online. Speak to an Online Enrollment Specialist if you are not sure.
  • I can register for at least 6 online credits and maintain part-time or full-time status.
  • I am in good academic standing and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • I have an active FAFSA or CAFSA on file** and identified MSU Denver as my school using school code 001360.

How Does the Continuing Online Scholarship Renew?

Your scholarship will renew automatically, and you will receive $500 every fall and spring until graduation* when you:

High School Students

If you are a high school student who is taking courses at MSU Denver, you will still be eligible for the New MSU Online Student $1,000 Scholarship. Just let your enrollment specialist know!

Get Help from an Online Enrollment Specialist

Returning Roadrunner Online Learning Scholarship

Choosing to Go Back to College is a Big Decision.

We understand. The Online Returning Roadrunner Scholarship is designed to help you return and finish without a large financial burden. Our online tuition is one of the lowest in Colorado. Our new online undergraduate programs are designed to provide increased flexibility outside of the traditional on-campus experience. We even have options to recognize your experience outside of college as college credit. This scholarship is not offered to graduate students. Learn more about scholarships for graduate students.

The Online Returning Roadrunner Scholarship assists undergraduate students looking to complete a bachelor’s degree or certificate program. This scholarship will provide $1,000 in your first semester with the option to renew every fall and spring semester*. If a fully only degree or certificate appeals to you, learn more about the online scholarship for returning MSU Denver students.

Summer Course Eligibility

If you start in the summer term, you will receive your first award in fall. If you take spring, summer, and fall courses in any year, you will still receive two awards; one for fall and one for spring.

*Awards are subject to available funding.
**The FAFSA/CAFSA is not required for certificate students since they are not eligible for financial aid.

Do the Following Eligibility Requirements Apply to You?

  • I am able to apply for and register in an online degree or certificate program.
  • I can register for at least 6 online credits and maintain part-time or full-time status.
  • I have taken classes at MSU Denver previously and been away for at least 2 semesters.
  • I am in good academic standing and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • I have an active FAFSA or CAFSA on file** and identified MSU Denver as my school using school code 001360.

How does the Online Returning Roadrunner Scholarship Renew?

There is not an application for this scholarship. You will automatically receive the $1,000 your first semester back if you are eligible. The scholarship will renew and you will receive $500 every fall and spring until graduation* when you:

  • Remain enrolled in an online program
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Learn more about your SAP Status.
  • Register for a minimum of six online credits toward completion of your online degree.
  • Complete the requirements for the Online Student Success Seminar.
  • Have an active FAFSA or CAFSA  on file**.

All Online Undergraduate Degrees Are Eligible for the Renewable Scholarships

Review the list of MSU Denver online undergraduate programs and choose the one that's right for you. You must enroll in an online degree or online certificate to be eligible for an online scholarship.

Online Undergraduate Degrees